- Our LANTITE study materials comprehensively cover topics, skills and strategies required to pass LANTITE and are designed for effective independent study. Unlimited access. Practice Exams are in PDF format and can be printed, if required.
- Our LANTITE Literacy and Numeracy Practice Exams have been written in the style of an actual exam. They have been deliberately designed to mimic the real LANTITE exams, in terms of length (65 questions), topics and skills tested, range of text types, levels of difficulty and types of questions asked.
- Includes answers, detailed explanations and study tips, to help you to study and improve. Unlimited access.
Why is it important to complete LANTITE Practice Exams (Mock Tests)?
* To use as a diagnostic tool, to see how you are going when you commence your LANTITE studies.
* To practise completing full-length, 65-question exams (with Band 1, 2 and 3 questions, just like a real exam), under test conditions.
* To assess the skills you are going well with and the skills that require improvement and to be able to ‘fill the gaps’.
* To see how you improve over a period of time, by completing practice exams as you study and improve.
* Use the feedback provided in the answers, explanations, worked solutions and study tips section, to help you to study and improve.
* To increase your level of competency and confidence in sitting the exams.
* They are an excellent study tool that are reasonably priced, to support you with your upcoming exams.
Complete our Sample LANTITE Literacy and Numeracy Practice Exams (10 questions each) to begin with. To be used as diagnostic tests and to sample questions to our full-length practice tests. Included in our Bronze Packages for LANTITE One-on-one Tuition Support.
Practice Exams are included in our Study Materials Packages, One-on-one Tuition Packages and Group Tuition Online Courses.
Our 12 LANTITE Practice Exams Package includes complimentary access to our ‘Performance Anxiety, Stress and Time Management’ webinar.
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